onsdag 2. februar 2011

Interiørtesten....my style!

Da har jeg også tatt interiørtesten på www.sproost.com....og jeg må si meg ganske så fornøyd og enig med resultatet. De traff ganske så bra rett og slett....

Your specific style combines three more general styles:

Vintage Modern

Flea Market anyone? You know you are drawn to modern furniture and interiors, and yet you really don't like a space that feels cold and sterile. And who could blame you? And that's why Vintage Modern is so appealing to you. Though the backdrop of the room, the walls and windows, are many times white or monochromatic, the furniture and accessories have the color, shape and texture to bring the warmth into the space. The great thing about Vintage Modern is ease of mixing different styles in the one space. You can have a new modular sofa mixed with a great pair of chairs that your grandmother purchased in the late 1950's and the new and old work appear as though they were destined for each other. What's great is that even if you don't have time for swap meets and garage sales, so many of the pieces from the mid-century were so great that they have been remade and mimicked year after year.

1 kommentar:

  1. bra test!! følte den stemte veldig bra for meg og... blei 67% vintage modern og 33% cottage chic... slett ikkje feil det nei :)


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